10 Fall Activities to Keep Yourself Busy

With the hot summer months behind us, you’ll want to find some fall activities that appeal to your senses and offer you something to occupy your time.

If summer is the time of getting outside and spending time in the sunshine, and winter is when you want to stay inside as much as possible, the autumn months offer a little of both. The leaves are changing colors, the temperatures are a bit crisper, and we look forward to evenings with warm foods and drinks that make it much nicer to stay inside and enjoy some comfort foods.

1. Now is the Time to Catch Up on the Movies You Want to See

When you’re not a fan of going outside in the crisp autumn air or you’re facing several days of rain that don’t seem to let up, it could be a good time to sit on the couch and enjoy some great movies. Whether you watch something new that you haven’t seen or you catch up with a movie you’ve loved for many years but haven’t seen in a while, now is a good time to watch a few movies.

2. Start Working on Those Pesky Home Improvement Projects

If you’ve got some updates you want to make to your home, fall is a great time to get them done. This is usually the best time of year to plant trees and shrubs or do some outdoor stuff that can’t be done during the heat of summer. One of the most rewarding fall activities is updating your home so that you have something new and impressive to enjoy all winter long.

3. Now is a Great Time to Learn a New Skill

Have you always wanted to learn a new language or skill? If so, now is the time to make that happen. You could sign up for a class at your local community college or watch videos that teach you to do something. If you’ve always wanted to build a project car or start a new hobby, get your garage set up and start doing what you’ve wanted to enjoy. This is a season of change, and that change could be adding something fun that you enjoy doing from now through the winter months.

4. Turn Your Weekends into At-Home Tailgate Parties

One of the most fun fall activities you can enjoy with your friends and family is watching football. Whether you want to attend high school games as a group or watch college and pro games on TV, you can have a wonderful gathering and enjoy the games every weekend. Fall is for football, and it makes sense for you to get some food ready and throw a bit of a party and enjoy the thrill of victory or the sadness of defeat.

5. This is a Great Season to Get Organized

When was the last time you organized your home? If you’ve got clothes you aren’t ever going to wear again, donate them and let someone else get use out of them. Buy some items that will help you organize a closet, your pantry, or your garage. Once you’ve got everything where you desire, you’ll be glad to have the extra space that’s always the result of getting organized and removing the clutter in your home.

6. Get Your Kids Involved Early and Make Halloween Costumes

If you’re tired of buying store-bought costumes that seriously lack imagination, now is a good time to begin making a costume for the spookiest night of the year. Let your kids get involved and make this one of the most fun fall activities that you enjoy together. The costume they make will be something they are proud of for a long time. Halloween is only one night of the year, but the memories of creating a costume together can last forever.

7. Start a Game Night With Your Family and Friends

Do you have some board games that can be fun for a whole group? If so, break them out and host a game night. Get some snacks that go with the games and some festive beverages that make fall game nights something everyone looks forward to. This is one of the best fall activities you can offer and enjoy together. This season is a great time for getting together for fun and fellowship.

8. Pumpkins are the Official Item of Fall; How Will You Use Them?

As it gets closer to Halloween, you can carve up some pumpkins into Jack-o-Lanterns that everyone can admire and enjoy. If it’s still early in the season, you might want to buy a couple of pumpkins and paint them for the season. Many stores sell these items in various sizes to give you a great way to decorate your home for the autumn season. Your kids will love carving the pumpkins into something that will look great on Halloween night.

9. Break Out Those Hearty Recipes and Start Cooking

If summer is the time for barbecues and lighter foods, fall is the time for soups, chilis, and hearty dishes. You can head to the local farmer’s market to see what’s on sale to give you some fresh produce to use in your recipes. Fall is harvest time, and when many of the foods you want to enjoy will be available. Cooking is one of the most rewarding fall activities and something you can teach to your kids.

10. Spend Your Evenings Reading a Book You Discuss

There are many online book clubs; certainly you can find one that fits your personality and book selections. Head to your local library and pick up a copy of the book being discussed by the club and enjoy it. A virtual book club allows you to share interests and talk about the story with a group of avid readers that enjoy the same books that you do. Of course, if you’re close to your neighbors, you could start an in-person book club with your friends and family.

What are some of your favorite fall activities, and how will you enjoy them? Now is a great time to try something new and different from what you normally experience.

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