
Target Your Fundraising Efforts for Your Organization

Target Your Fundraising Efforts for Your Organization

If you’re part of an organization that depends on donations to operate, you’ll want to know when you should emphasize your fundraising.

Knowing how and when to target different areas of the community can lead to some of the most successful efforts. Let’s take a look at the different times of the year and where you can grow the coffers for your organization the best.

The Winter Months Could Be Perfect for You

The winter months are great for fundraising efforts because they straddle the end of the year with many holidays and the start of the newest year when some companies are looking for a tax break. Many non-profits receive much of their annual donations during the holiday season when most of use are in a giving mood. This can be a fantastic time for you to gather donations as well.

Online Donations Can Pour In

If your organization has a social media presence, the wintertime is a great time to be active online and ask for donations. Your fundraising during this time can be huge, especially if you ad the hashtag #GivingTuesday at the right time. This particular day takes place on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, which is a great time for donations to be offered. Be active online and make sure you share your efforts wherever you can.

Ask for Donations from Businesses

Many businesses will have an annual budget they approve in November and December to put into action when January rolls around. Using email or a hard copy letter requesting donations during the holiday months could bring in the fundraising needed in the early months of the following year. This is a great way to take full advantage of the winter months to maximize your efforts.

Take Advantage of Spring for Fundraising Efforts

Depending on your organization, some of the spring holidays could be beneficial for gathering donations. If you have a religious-based organization, Easter could be an effective fundraising time. On the other hand, if you’re involved in an environmental organization, Earth Day is for you or if it’s a family-based group, Mother’s Day could be perfect for your efforts. Start your activities a couple of weeks before the holiday and let those donations pour in.

A Special Reason to Use Spring

Those of us who receive tax returns from the IRS do so in the spring. Typically, these funds begin to be released in February and continue through the middle of April. This gives you a couple of months that could be perfect for your fundraising activities. Figure out the best way to be visible and reach out to the general public for small donations that can add up to a lot.

Get More Active During the Summer Months

While most people plan their vacations and travel during the Summer, you could bring in some amazing donations during this season. While the reach to businesses won’t be as plentiful in the summer, you can easily set up different activities that allow you to garner some funds for your organization. Take advantage of the warmer weather and be more visible.

Youth Organizations Thrive on Fundraising Efforts in the Summer

If your organization is youth-based, you have an immediate workforce that will benefit from fundraising for the group. The summer months, when kids are out of school, is perfect for babysitting jobs, dog-walking events, car washes, and sponsored business events. Some businesses will match a specific amount of their receipts during a particular time if your youth members are present at the location and promoting their business.

You Might Find Success in Fall Fundraising Efforts

Kids are headed back to school, vacations are over, and we’re preparing for the upcoming holidays during the fall. This season is also when many of the days of honor for specific items are held. There’s International Literacy Day, World Food Day, and United Nations Day to name a few. You could create your own special day and advertise for fundraising. This is also a good season to do events such as a spaghetti dinner or pork roast to offer a meal that can bring in the funds and allow parents to have a night off from cooking.

The Leaves Won’t Rake Themselves

Taking the summer job theme to the fall, there are tons of leaves on the ground, and offering to rake for friends and neighbors in exchange for a donation is a great way to raise money. This is certainly true if you have a youth organization that you’re working with.

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