Practice More Kindness to Others in Your Life

Does it hurt you to practice kindness? Do you remember the Golden Rule and what it means? When you’re kinder to others they will do the same.

In a world where we’re all getting tired of wearing masks, staying home, seeing the number of deaths each day, and don’t have the patience for the political landscape any longer, kindness can be a huge factor in how you interact with others.

UseYour Manners

We were all taught to say please and thank you during our regular interactions. This could be something that was ingrained in your daily life or manners that you brought out when with guests, but you still know how to use them. Saying these things is an expression of gratitude for the other person and it’s something that will be appreciated when you use them in your daily life.

Smile at a Stranger

Go for a walk with your pet or on your own. As you pass by others, give them a wave, smile at them, and let them know you’re happy to interact with them. There’s a better than good chance that your neighbors are going to smile and wave back at you. They can’t help themselves, and you just gave them a gift of a good feeling from your small act of kindness.

Be Generous with Your Hugs

If you’re close enough with another person to give them a hug, make it a good one. Don’t just give a small pat on the shoulder, go ahead and bring them in for a nice squeeze. You never know how that one hug will impact the day of that person or how they can unload some of their burdens in this embrace. Let others know you genuinely care with your special hugs.

Make Change with your Coins

Do you have a few coins in your pocket that you don’t need? When at the store put them in the change tin, in a collection box for a charity, or in the parking meters of strangers. You won’t notice that you don’t have it any longer, but this could mean a lot to another person when you make this small act of kindness.

Send Real Cards

In a world filled with digital interactions, you don’t get as many real cards or letters as you once did. Make someone’s day by sending a hand-written card for a special occasion or just to give them a greeting. You don’t need an excuse to send a card or write a letter. If your handwriting is hard to read, go ahead and make it easier on them by typing the letter or card.

Pick Up the Phone

How often do you text your friends and family? This may be the most-used form of communication between you and your family. Show a little extra kindness by picking up the phone and making time for them as you spend time in conversation. There’s no doubt they will appreciate it and will be glad that you chose to talk with them and reach out.

Help a Stranger

Helping a stranger doesn’t have to be a grand display of kindness and charity. You could do something as simple as holding a door open, buying the coffee for the person behind you in line, sharing your lunch, or holding an umbrella open for another person. These small acts can make a huge difference in the lives of others and will show you care about those around you.

Let Someone Go Ahead of You In Line

If you see that someone behind you in line has only a couple of items while you have a full cart, you can show them a little kindness and let them go ahead of you. You’re not going to lose any time and they will be delighted to not have to wait for you to go through the line with your full cart. They might even do the same next time they are in line at the store.

Show Kindness and Humanity to Each Other

Regardless of our feelings, political views, religious beliefs, or economic situation, we are all humans and all in this world together. Showing a little kindness to others doesn’t take a lot of time out of your day, but it can be the most valuable thing you do every day. Find a way to show others you care in some small way every day and make your world a bit of a better place for everyone to enjoy.

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