
Get Your Diet Back on Track Post Turkey Day

Get Your Diet Back on Track Post Turkey Day

Even if you’re on a strict diet, come thanksgiving it’s a strong possibility you just may overindulge a tad on turkey day.

You could also slip off the wagon during the whole upcoming festive season, what with office parties, special school events, and Christmas dinner! But don’t despair –a one-day food binge (or maybe even two!) won’t make a huge dent in your overall health and fitness efforts -if you get quickly back into your workout and diet regime as soon as possible after. Here are a few ways to get back on track after turkey day…and during the season of goodwill!

Fill your holiday plates with more healthy options

Okay, I know I said post turkey day, but bear with me here! If you are currently on some type of diet and workout regime, you’ve probably already planned for this. But I’m gonna say it anyway! Fill your dinner plate with as many healthy options as possible and watch your portion sizes! It’s easy to make healthier and less calorific sides –such as steamed vegetables rather than casseroles, roast potatoes instead of mashed potatoes (or just take a small portion if you must have some!) and have just a few slices of lean meat (or whatever meat-free option you choose if vegan/vegetarian).

And if you can -limit yourself to one glass of wine with your meal and really savor every sip! And either skip the dessert and opt for fruit or have a small slice of pumpkin pie, while holding the cream!

Stick to Your Previous Diet –Don’t Skip Meals!

If despite all your good intentions you did overindulge on Thanksgiving, please don’t skip meals over the next few days to compensate! Not only will this just make you feel hangry, but it will also trigger your metabolism to slow down. So it’s not a good idea. Instead revert quietly back to the diet you were on, remembering to load up on fresh vegetables and lean protein while avoiding sugar and limiting carbs.

Drink Water

Not only does it quench your thirst, drinking water naturally curbs your appetite, so gulp away the day after Thanksgiving. Being well hydrated helps your body flush out toxins and waste products more efficiently. Experts recommend that you drink 84 ounces of water a day.

Move It!

If you’ve been adhering to a daily workout just fall right back into it without any drama, guilt, or feelings of regret. You may dread doing it, but once you get started you’ll start to feel good as those endorphins start pumping. If you don’t have a daily workout routine, a nice long walk, light jog, or just a few lunges and crunches will suffice. Getting your body moving after a sedentary day of indulgence will work wonders for your mood and health.

Forgive Yourself!

We’ve all been there, so relax. If you did overeat don’t beat yourself up about it, just dust yourself off and get back on that diet horse already! When we have bad thoughts or feelings our brain releases chemicals that make us feel worse, and the same rules apply to good thoughts–which make us feel better. So flood your body and brain with good, loving feelings and simply start afresh. It’s a new day after all, right? Plus it’s Black Friday so better get your sneakers on ‘cos you might be chasing after bargains all day regardless!

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