Do We Need to Slow Down?

Have you ever taken a trip to the Southern states and reveled in their way of life? There’s no rush, no hurried pace at which they complete a task. For people from the Northern states, it can be initially frustrating that they take the time to greet everyone in their line at the supermarket or that they wish to have a conversation with you following your church service. However, there is something simplistic and charming about slowing down a little bit and taking the time to enjoy life. What do you think? Do we need to slow down or are we functioning at our own pace?

Given the number of traffic accidents on the road, we definitely need to slow down in terms of driving, but that’s just one aspect of slowing down. Everything has become a rushed experience; grocery shopping, driving, talking on the phone, and even eating. We don’t take the time to enjoy all of the simple pleasures that life has to offer. We’re not taking the time to smell the proverbial roses and at the end of the day, we’re missing out. There is so much to be enjoyed in this world and we’re missing it.

Rushing Through Life

Talk to a young kid these days; they’re in a huge rush to get older and grow up. They’re convinced that there is something better if they can simply get older. What they’re not realizing is that if they choose to rush through their childhood, in hopes of getting older, that they’re wasting the most carefree and incredible days of their lives. They aren’t taking the time to relish riding their bikes with their friends or watching cartoons in their jammies, and we’re leading by example.

We’re showing our children how to speed through everything. We don’t stop to make small talk with people anymore. We can barely be bothered to have a simple conversation with the people with whom we do business and we need to stop. With text messaging, we don’t bother to call people and ask how they’re doing anymore. Having phones that act as mini-computers in our hands at all times has impacted the way we communicate. We don’t write letters because it’s easier to email someone and we certainly don’t ever talk to a friendly stranger. Everything has to be done quickly, and we’re losing ourselves in the process.

How Do We Change?

• Make a quick call, rather than sending a text message. Sometimes it actually makes more sense to do this, as with texting we have to send it out and wait for someone to respond. With a phone call, we reach the person immediately and can relay our message without half of the hassle.

• Send a note. If you’re thinking of someone or you were given a lovely gift for your promotion, drop them a line. Handwrite a lovely note. It shows that you’re truly grateful for the gift or that you care enough about the person to take your time and send them mail. Everybody loves mail.

• Say Hello – When completing a transaction in a store, reach out and say hello to the person. Ask them how their day is going. Make small talk. Remark about the weather, talk about how busy the store seems to be, ask how much longer they have on their shift, or just ask how they are doing. Even just improving your own non-verbal communication can have a positive impact on someone’s day.

• Turn Off – All of our technology has become such a part of our lives that we’re used to getting things right away. Turn off your electronics, shut down your cell phone, and just enjoy the company of the people around you. If you’re alone, read a book, take a bath, or listen to some music, but turn everything off and slow down.

• Relax – The details will sort themselves out, deadlines are not going to physically kill you, and you’re going to be okay. Just relax. Slow and steady wins the race, so take the time to savor things and breathe.
We’re all heading toward the same destination, but why are racing to it? Our lives go by fast enough, don’t do it any favors by hurrying it along.

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