Best Pets for Apartments

Many Pets to Choose From

Pets are family, companions, and friends. They make people responsible and happy, and the best part is, there are so many kinds of pets to have. When you’re living in an apartment, space can be limited, so you need to be thoughtful about the kind of pet you own because you want them to have the best life in a smaller space.


Cats are great pets for apartments because they’re fairly self-sufficient. You’ll need to provide them with food, water, and a litterbox, but otherwise, they can care for themselves. You can buy automated feeders and self-cleaning litter boxes to help if you’re an extra busy person. Cats are independent and don’t require attention all the time so they can enjoy lounging around with you on the couch or exploring the apartment when you’re gone. Cats also don’t take up a lot of room, which is a major plus.

Dogs Under 50lbs

Smaller dogs are better for apartments rather than bigger dogs because they may require less exercise. Apartments don’t provide much in terms of space or a yard (most of the time), so it’s important that you choose a dog breed and size that doesn’t need hours of exercise each day. Of course, if you live an active lifestyle and live in an apartment, by all means, adopt a bigger dog, but if you’re someone who isn’t able to give an active dog the exercise they need, then adopting a smaller dog is a good idea. Dogs are fun and excitable. They love their owners and are loyal to their core. Unlike cats though, dogs do require more responsibility and attention because they have to go outside to use the restroom. You can use self-feeders for dogs, depending on the dog’s relationship with food, but dogs can’t be left on their own as cats can.


If you want a pet that enjoys any amount of space you can give it, then a fish is the way to go. Yes, they require feeding and need their tank cleaned out every two weeks or so, but overall they’re pretty low maintenance. They’re chill pets that you can’t cuddle with, but you can admire.


Reptiles are unique pets but can be good for apartments if you have room for their tank. Some animals require a larger tank like chameleons and some species of snakes, while other reptiles like turtles and geckos may be perfectly cozy in a smaller tank. The nice thing about reptiles is you don’t have to worry about them getting fur all over your apartment, so if you’re allergic to cats and dogs, a snake or turtle may be the ideal pet for you. They require a moderate level of care similar to a fish because their tank needs to be cleaned every few weeks, but as long as you provide them with the right habitat and food, they’ll be happy little pets.

The Right Pet for You

Pets undoubtedly make life better. Whether you’re living on your own in your first apartment, renting with friends or living with your partner, when you’re ready to have a pet, you won’t have to choose between only cats and dogs. There are so many pets ready to warm your heart and home. Find the right pet for you and your lifestyle and don’t let an apartment keep you from bringing a new friend home.

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