Ways to Make Your Resolutions Stick this Year

The new year always brings about the excitement of resolutions and goals, but it can also bring about immense pressure to achieve those goals in 12 months.

Your Resolutions and Goals are Yours

If you’re serious about making the most of 2019, here are some tips to help you make your resolutions stick this year.

Remember You’re Human

It’s easy to feel like you have to achieve all the resolutions you’ve created for yourself but relax. Remember to give yourself slack and treat yourself kindly. While you may have 10 resolutions to check off in 2019, just know that you are still successful even if you complete over half or even only a couple of them.

There is this rat race notion that if we as humans are not doing everything we possibly can do in one day then we are not living our best lives or we’re slacking off. It’s silly to put that pressure on yourself when it comes to your resolutions. You’re human and some days you need to not be the Energizer bunny and that is 100 percent okay.

Accountability is Key for Resolutions

Now for those resolutions, you’re dying to crush or have continued to put on your list every year; it’s time to make them stick. Accountability is key and comes in many forms. You may prefer to write down each time you’ve successfully achieved what you aim to do. For example, if one of your resolutions is to work out consistently, grab a cute calendar and some stickers and mark each day that you’ve worked out with a sticker.

The more stickers you see each week and month, the more confident you’ll feel about making working outa resolution that will last beyond 2019. People can also hold you accountable. Pair up with one of your friends, family, or coworkers to help keep each other in check with each other’s resolutions.

A little nudge or friendly reminder can help keep you from falling behind or feeling less motivated to stay consistent. Find what will help you stay accountable and let the resolution crushing commence.

Remember Why You’re Doing This

Life can be so hectic that it’s very easy to forget the motivations behind the resolutions you set. Placing little reminders around your home will help you stay focused on your resolutions and nudge your brain to reflect on why you’re doing this in the first place.

You can use sticky notes or dry erase markers on mirrors to help you stay on track and focused. Every day when you wake up and go about your routines, you’ll find those reminders throughout your home and those feelings of I can’t or I give up will fall away and be replaced with motivators and positivity of this is why I’m doing this and I will.

2019 is Your Year

Your resolutions are written and you have the tools and tips to make sure you’re going to make them a reality this year. All that’s left is for you to go get ‘em!

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