Charitable Holiday Acts

Like the Grinch in the classic Dr. Suessstory, most people’s hearts grow three sizes during the holiday season and we want to help those left

Keep it Moving

Cell phones are officially a part of our lives, and a permanent one, at least until the next form of technology comes along. Whether we

Texting on the Road

We are now a culture of people that have to do things as quickly as humanly possible or we aren’t happy. We use express lanes

Amazon Home Services

Becoming a homeowner is a commitment, especially if you’re not particularly handy. When things break down, someone has to fix them, right? Well unless you

The Wish App

There are a hundred and one different shopping applications that are available on our phones and tablets, and a lot of them are all the


Samsung’s Takeover I remember when I was eight years old, my grandparents bought me a TV for my room. It was full color, 13 inches,