Healthy Sleep Habits to Get Good Rest

Sleeping is essential for life and for your well-being. Creating healthy sleep habits can help you get good rest and feel refreshed when you wake in the morning.

When you sleep, your body heals and rejuvenates itself. This is the time when your muscles recover from the day, your memory can be refreshed, and your body can recover from the challenges of the previous day. Its suggested that adjust get at least seven hours of sleep each night, but sometimes that seems impossible.

Here are a few healthy sleep habits to help you get a good night’s rest so you can face the next day.

Be more physically active during the day

Its hard to lay down for a restful night of sleep if your body is still full of energy. You can help your sleep by simply taking a 30-minute walk every day after dinner. It suggested you get at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise each week to be tired enough to sleep well at night. If you’re not sure where to begin, or you can’t start with walking, consult a physical therapist to find out what type of exercise is right for you.

Increase your exposure to sunlight

Although we need a balanced amount of sunlight and should avoid becoming sunburned by wearing sunscreen when outside, exposure to sunlight is good for you, getting more Vitamin D can improve your sleep. This is one of the most important healthy sleep habits that can help you feel better and be more rested at night. Vitamin D has many benefits and can be one of the best things for your overall physical health.

Avoid long naps

There’s nothing wrong with a quick 10-minute power nap in the middle of the day to recharge your body for the rest of the day, but longer than 20 minutes could negatively impact your sleep patterns. When you take a nap of more than 20 minutes, you’ll get into a deep sleep cycle, and your body might think you’ve gone to bed for the night. If you wake up after one hour, you will probably have a hard time getting to sleep that night. Avoid this by limiting your naps to 20 minutes.

Cool down your home

A cooler home makes it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep at night. The National Sleep Foundation suggests a temperature of 65 degrees if you can stand it. The temperature needs to be right for you and keep you from getting too cold or hot at night. Add a couple of extra blankets and pillows for more comfort to ensure you can easily fall asleep in your cool bedroom. The cooler temperature should promote good sleep.

Create a positive bedtime routine

One of the most important healthy sleep habits is to create a bedtime routine that promotes falling asleep fast and in a relaxed manner. Stay away from screens, dim or turn off the lights, and use some soft and relaxing sounds that can help you fall asleep faster. It might be a good idea to adjust your bedtime routine until you find what works well for you. When you find the right routine for the best sleep, that’s the one you want to stick with as much as possible.

Have an appropriate bedtime

If your regular bedtime doesn’t allow for at least seven hours of sleep, you need to adjust this time and go to bed earlier. A set bedtime and sleep schedule can promote better sleep and allow your body to embrace the schedule with expected rest times at night. When you disrupt your bedtime or refuse to give your body enough time to sleep at night, it will eventually catch up with you, causing you to feel exhausted throughout the day. Your bedtime and sleep schedule are extremely important.

Avoid caffeine after midday

Coffee or tea in the morning is fine and necessary for some people. The lasting impact of caffeine should be a warning to not drink caffeinated drinks after noon. Although you might not feel the stimulating effects of the afternoon coffee, your bladder will, and you may need to urinate at night when you should be sleeping. This happens because caffeine is a diuretic and can increase your need to urinate. If you must have soda, tea, or coffee after midday, make sure it is decaffeinated to avoid this problem.

Healthy sleep habits can make you feel more restful and ready for each day. By creating good habits for your sleep, you can be much more successful in every aspect of your life.

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