
Ready to Check Out the 2025 Dodge Charger?

Ready to Check Out the 2025 Dodge Charger?

There’s no need to wait until the 2025 Charger hits the local Dodge dealer. The automaker plans to reveal its next-generation muscle car on March 5.

The Full Reveal Is Scheduled for March 5

Dodge has already released photos of the 2025 Dodge Charger in pre-production form. However, most serious car enthusiasts want to see more than a few shots of the front end and body before they head to the Dodge dealer to buy one.

Future buyers won’t have to wait much longer. The new Dodge Charger is almost ready for its big reveal.

An Early Sneak Peek

Dodge revealed pre-production photos of the 2025 Charger on its official social media profiles in early 2024. This sneak peek of the new muscle car was just enough to generate hype without truly sating anyone’s curiosity.

The photos show the pre-production 2025 Dodge Charger in a parking lot from multiple angles. In those photos, the couple looks like it takes its stylistic cues from the Dodge Charger Daytona SRT concept car. It prominently features an illuminated Fratzog logo set between the headlights.

The post states that the new Charger will hit the Dodge dealer network in late 2024.

Dodge Jumps On the Electrification Trend

Some people are still mourning the loss of the V-8 engine in this muscle car. However, most drivers are looking forward to seeing how the automaker manages to incorporate modern trends into one of its most popular existing vehicles.

Dodge has already stated that the new Charger will have an electric powertrain. Potential buyers can check out the Daytona SRT concept car from 2022 to get an idea of what that might mean. The concept car features all-wheel drive and impressively powerful 800-volt architecture.

There’s also some good news for drivers who aren’t quite ready to go electric. Reports online indicate that the 2025 Dodge Charger will also be available with a gas engine. The engine chosen to replace the notorious V-8 HEMI will be the Hurricane.

The Hurricane is a twin-turbo 3L I-6 engine ready to wow drivers with a more energy-efficient yet impressively powerful alternative to the gas-guzzler of yesteryear.

What to Expect From the Reveal

Aside from the photos released by Dodge on their company’s social media pages, the information about the 2025 Charger is largely unconfirmed. Most of it comes from The Drive, which claimed an inside source last year willing to confirm details about the production model.

Of course, one inside source confirming details but not offering complete reports is far from a comprehensive picture of what to expect. For that, potential buyers will have to wait and see what Dodge is ready to give up.

There’s still a lot of uncertainty about the 2025 Dodge Charger. If one thing is sure, it’s that drivers will be flocking to the Dodge dealer in droves to check out this impressive new muscle car in late 2024. Until then, all they can do is be patient and look out for info as it’s released.

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