
Should you Still Buy a Real Christmas Tree?


As the holiday season comes upon us, families throughout the nation are gearing up by picking out the perfect Christmas tree. One question many families face every year is whether they should get a real Christmas tree or an artificial one.

Keep Tradition Alive By Getting a Real Christmas Tree This Year

While both have their pros and cons, there is nothing quite like bringing a real Christmas tree home strapped on the top of your car. Today, we’ll dive into the details of why you should consider going with a real tree this year as opposed to an artificial one.

Create Family Memories

Picking out a real Christmas tree with the ones you love is one of the most memorable ways to establish a tradition that you and your family will love for years to come. Venturing out to the woods, picking out the perfect tree, and then hauling it home is a tradition that everyone in your family will grow to love.

Speaking of hauling your tree. No need to have a truck like a Ford F-150 to take your tree home every year. Part of the family fun is strategizing over how to get your tree into your truck, SUV, or over your roof rack. If you do have that Ford F-150, however, consider yourself lucky, as that truck will get the job done.

Make It a Family Affair

Venturing out to pick a real Christmas tree with your family offers a great opportunity for some great family bonding. Making the event a family affair is much simpler to execute than you might think. All you have to do is give every family member a mission.

For example, if you have littles in your family, you can put them in charge of leading the way through the forest or tree farm as you find the perfect three. For older kids, you might want to put them in charge of vetting out the tree to make sure it’s the right one. Older kids can even be tasked with cutting down the tree and helping to load it onto your truck or SUV. No matter how you delegate the duties, you will have everyone feeling that they are truly a part of this special moment. All the while, you and your family will be building core memories that will last a lifetime.

Keep it Sustainable

There are plenty of reasons to choose a real tree over an artificial tree this Christmas. Perhaps the biggest reason, however, is the sustainability aspect. Purchasing or picking out a real Christmas tree allows you the opportunity to recycle or even repurpose it after you use it.

Unlike an artificial tree, you can be certain your real tree will not end up in a landfill or harm the environment in some other way. With the continued rise of individuals looking to do their part to create a cleaner, greener plant, purchasing a real Christmas tree is becoming a no-brainer for families all over the nation.

Pros and Cons of Having a Real Christmas Tree

There are plenty of pros with few cons to look forward to when getting a real Christmas tree. Some of the obvious benefits include the lovely pine smell they emit, their sustainable and practical use, and in some cases, they are much more affordable than artificial trees.

However, there are some downsides that you’ll only find with real trees. Real Christmas trees require a bit more care, leave needles everywhere, and are typically harder to transport back home. Despite these cons, owning a real Christmas tree will always offer a magical appeal that artificial trees may never be able to offer.

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