
The Great Resignation Hits the Auto Industry as Dealers Struggle to Find Service Technicians

Auto Industry as Dealers Struggle to Find Service Technicians

If you’ve noticed that you’re waiting longer to get a service appointment booked for your vehicle, you’re not alone. A shortage of automotive service technicians has caused an unavoidable backlog for dealers all over the nation. It’s not just dealerships that are struggling either, mom and pop service shops are also struggling to find employees to fill their workforce gaps.

But what exactly is causing this shortage, and will things turn around anytime soon? Let’s take a look at what’s fueling your long wait times at the service shop and when it might get better.

Why are Technicians Leaving the Auto Industry?

The Automotive industry was not immune to the great resignation that unfolded during the pandemic. Much like other industries including hospitality, food services, construction, and the other trade sectors, workers have been leaving the workforce in droves.

The Auto industry is seeing the same pattern with service technicians deciding to call it quits over the past couple of years. For many employees, the pandemic shifted attitudes about what was most fulfilling in life, and what aspects of their life they should prioritize. For many employees, this meant quitting their current job and either starting their own business ventures or pursuing a career path that they’ve always wanted instead.

Lack of Interest in Trade Jobs

Jobs in the trades have also been losing interest among workers over the past couple of years. Unlike other exciting career paths such as technology and healthcare, trade jobs are becoming less appealing to new waves of workers. There is also less appeal and effort being put forward to draw in workers to the trades as well.

A career in the trades typically requires less education than four-year college degrees demand. Unfortunately, for many four-year universities, these career paths are not always the most profitable because they require fewer courses and are typically not offered for students to take 4-year university.

A lack of advertising efforts has also kept prospective employees from finding the necessary training and apprenticeships that would enable them to become automotive service technicians.

Low Pay Scales

While automotive service technicians have one of the most important jobs in the workforce, many feel devalued because of low pay scales offered by car dealerships. These unattractive low pay scales have made it difficult for employees who are in the field to stay there, and it’s also hindered new workers from joining the force.

Other unappealing workplace factors, including greater risk of work injuries due to repetitive motions, excessive stress on the body, and long work hours, have made it difficult for those already in the industry to stay longer.

The Future of Auto is Electric

There is some hope for new talent in the automotive service industry trade. Electric vehicles are undeniably the future of the automotive industry, and their appeal May encourage those interested in automotive and technology to explore the field. Unlike the current automotive service landscape, Electric vehicles offer the allure of working with cutting-edge technology. This may serve as an advantage for individuals who would like to break into the digital space and enjoy working on electric vehicles.

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