
10 Things To Keep In Your Car

10 Things To Keep In Your Car

Not everything is as simple as some people make it out to be. Do you know what you should keep in your car?

What happens if you get pulled over and don’t have the requested paperwork? Are you aware of the items needed to change a flat tire? What will you do if you’re in an accident? There are certain things you should have on hand whenever you drive. Some of these are for emergencies, while others are when you need to prove the car belongs to you or that you’ve got the necessary coverage for your vehicle.

1. Make Sure You Have the Basic Documentation

Your car should always have the owner’s manual, license, insurance card, and registration card. These things need to be kept within arm’s reach of you when you drive the vehicle. Most people will keep them in the glove box, which tends to be a good place for them. Don’t turn your glove box into a trash bin. If you do and need to show these items, you’re going to have a hard time finding what you’re looking for.

2. Flat Tire Kit–Your Car Might Not Have One

This is something you need to be highly aware of in your vehicle. Do you have a tire jack, spare tire, and lug wrench? If not, it’s a good idea to obtain these items. Some newer models don’t have these items but might have a can of fix-a-flat or other tire sealantanother tire sealant. It’s better to have a spare tire and the necessary tools to change a tire on the side of the road whenever necessary.

3. Jumper Cables are Essential

Not only will you be thankful you put a set of cables in your car if you break down, but you’ll be the hero to someone else when they need a jump. Jumper cables don’t take up much space and are one of the best items to keep in your car. Please put them in the trunk where you can get to them when needed. Of course, if your box only opens electronically, you’ll want to have these cables under the front passenger seat or somewhere in the cabin.

4. A Tire Pressure Gauge is Necessary

You’re supposed to check your tires at least once a month to see if they are correctly inflated. Some places you go to add air to your tires don’t have a reliable tire pressure gauge on the air pump. Keep this item in your car, and you’ll have a handy tool you can rely on to tell you what your tire pressure is. This makes it easy for you to perform your monthly checks or add more air whenever your tires look low.

5. You’ll be Surprised how Often You Use the WD-40

Sometimes you run into a nut or bolt that doesn’t want to budge. This is when WD-40 is the right tool for the job. This item does the work of loosening lug nuts or silencing a creaky door to make it easier to enjoy your vehicle and get things done. There are a ton of uses for this item, not all of them having to do with driving a car. You’ll be pleased to have a can of this stuff handy whenever you need it.

6. Duct Tape is the Other Must-Have Item

Duct tape is to do precisely the opposite of what WD-40 does. You want to keep a roll in your car at all times. This item can be part of your emergency kit; it can cover a leak until you get home or keep a couple of things together to ensure you don’t have to stop driving. The old saying is, “If it doesn’t move and should, use WD-40. If it moves and shouldn’t, use duct tape.”

7. Cleaning Items for Those Unforeseen Messes

One of the worst smells in the world is vomit in a car. If you don’t have a cleaning supplies package, you could be stuck with this smell for years. Be proactive and put together a cleaning supply kit for the possible cleaning emergencies that could arise. If you’re a parent of small children, you know these little cleaning situations happen more than most people would ever expect.

8. Keep A First Aid Kit In Your Car

You shouldn’t have to be told to do this, but can you honestly say you have a First Aid Kit in your car right now? Most of us probably don’t, simply because we don’t think about those little things that could happen when we are away from home. If you have kids, these kits are an essential part of living. There are trim kits sold that fit in the glove box, making it easy for you to have a small selection of emergency supplies when you need them.

9. Emergency Tools for When You Break Down

Breaking down on the side of the road is unpredictable and unfortunate. Breaking down without some necessary items is downright irresponsible. It would help if you had a flashlight, reflective triangles, a multi-tool, and a car hammer where you could get to them. Some of these items could save your life in an emergency, or you might use them to let others know you’re broken down o the side of the road.

10. Winter Equipment is Necessary When the Cold Weather Hits

There are some items you need to keep in your car only when the winter weather occurs. These items include special wiper fluid, an ice-scraper or snowbrush, and some warm gear. You might want to have a few other things for a winter emergency, but at least you can stay warm, clear off the snow and ice, and have the correct fluid to help melt the ice from your car. If you don’t have these items when you head out in the snow, you will wish you did have them with you.

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