
Some Used Cars are Lemons, Even the Jeep Wrangler

Some Used Cars are Lemons, Even the Jeep Wrangler

Whenever you’re shopping for used cars, like the Jeep Wrangler you want to do your research and find out if the vehicle you’re considering is going to work well for you. Even if you have the right model in mind for the driving experience you’re after, there could be some model years you want to shy away from.

An example of an excellent vehicle that has had some model years that were simply duds is the Jeep Wrangler. As a whole, this SUV has been a stalwart of the off-road community for nearly eight decades, but during that time, there were a few years that should be avoided when you’re shopping for a pre-owned version of the Wrangler.


Durable, Rugged, but Just not Quite Right

Most of the models of the Jeep Wrangler you find will make it easy for you to have the fun you want on the trails. The last thing that you want when you’re out on the trails is to have such a problem as to end up broken down and unable to drive back to civilization. If you head out on the trails without other vehicles around you, this could make for an exceptionally long day and night.

What that in mind, let’s look at some of the Wrangler models you’ll see among used cars that you should stay away from.

What Year Jeep Wranglers to Avoid

2012 Model Year; Considered the Worst Wrangler

A total of nine recalls were issued for the 2012 version of the Wrangler, which gave it the reputation of being the worst model ever made. Some of the issues this version brought to drivers include heater issues, airbag problems, engine issues, and drivetrain troubles.

The engine issues were severe enough that it required an overhaul, making it difficult to trust whether or not your Wrangler was going to make it across a trail.

Another Dog in the Lineup; the 2007 Jeep Wrangler

When searching among used cars, another Wrangler to avoid was the 2007 model. This version went through ten recalls. The recalls were so prevalent that they impacted millions of these off-road SUVs.
Some of the major issues found with the 2007 Wrangler included issues with the braking system, steering problems, and engine failure. Some owners had to undergo a complete overhaul of the vehicle that would cost much more money than anyone wanted to spend. The steering issues led to what would be known as the death wobble.

The Problems Continued for the 2008 Wrangler

The troubles with the 2007 version of this SUV were severe enough that they spilled into the 2008 model. This version went through nine recalls, including steering troubles, airbag issues, and fuel system problems.
The 2008 model also had engine issues that required the same overhaul as the 2007 version of this SUV. A few other items were added to the list, and that was all it took for the 2008 Wrangler to be one of the top three worst years for this SUV.

Troubles Common to a Specific Generation

There are times when a vehicle doesn’t receive the necessary changes until it reaches time for a new generation. When you’re shopping for used cars, this is another factor to consider. For the Jeep Wrangler, there were common issues for the generation from 1997-2002 and for the generation that spanned 2007-2018.

A Few of the Wrangler Troubles from 1997-2002

The generation of the Wrangler for these years had a few items that could show up and shorten the life of the Jeep you love to drive. These models were notorious for having seals that leak due to faulty bolts being used in the axle housing assemble. They also showed up with intake system fuel pumps that had problems from a bad high-pressure fuel pump seal.

Many owners of this generation have reported malfunctioning in the gauge cluster, which is the result of the heat exposure of the wiring harness in the steering column. These models have also had several complaints about fuel tank issues with fuel leaking through a crack in the gas tank or from a seam or seal that’s broken.

Common Problems with this Jeep from 2007-2018

With the latest generation that showed up with some troubles, you can expect to find more modern problems than on previous versions of the Jeep Wrangler. If you look among the used cars being sold and choose a Wrangler from 2007-2018, be aware of these troubles that might show themselves later on.

This generation of the Wrangler is known to have issues with the Telematics Integration Module (TIPM), which can fail. The TIPM integrates the audio, navigation, and climate controls in one unit, and if you’re using these items when you’re driving and it malfunctions, you might find it to be a major inconvenience.

For this generation, the “Death Wobble” raised its ugly head, especially in the early years, as mentioned above. If you have a Wrangler from this generation, the transfer case is known to leak with the six-speed transmissions in areas where the fluid system is heavily restricted.

Do Wranglers have a lot of Problems?

Once you get beyond the three worst model years for the Jeep Wrangler, you’ll realize that most of these SUVs are dependable, impressive, and offer you an excellent driving experience. This is the SUV that signals to the world that you’re not going to be tied to the paved roads and would rather be out on the trails and in the wilderness than be limited to the paved roads.

Many times, a well-maintained Jeep Wrangler can last 15 to 20 years and drive for up to 400,000 miles; not something that you find in every vehicle.

Find Your Wrangler

Now that you know much more about the right models of the Wrangler to avoid, you can find the affordable and impressive vehicle you want to drive among the used cars being sold in your area. Start your search online, find the Jeep Wrangler that’s right for you, and prepare for some amazing adventures in areas where the roads end and the trails begin.


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