
The Six Strangest World Records

The Six Strangest World Records

When people think of world records, they often think of Olympic events that involve running, jumping, swimming, throwing, and more.

Record holders are often seen as more than mortal and are plastered on the covers of Wheaties boxes and Nike advertisements.

There’s a whole subset of other world’s records that don’t get the same kind of attention that athletes get. Books like the Guinness Book of World Records keep an archive of all kinds of records. You’ll see pictures of the person with the longest fingernails or read about the tallest unicycle ever ridden.

If you think fingernails and unicycles are strange, just wait until you read about six of the strangest world records on the books today.

Pizza For How Many?

If you live in the Burlson, Texas, area, you may have heard of a restaurant called the Moontower Pizza Bar. This pizza joint’s claim to fame is its 16 square foot pizza. This world-record-holding pizza is affectionally called “The Bus” due to its rectangular shape. If you’d like to try and tackle this half-sheet of plywood pizza, plan in advance because they require 48 hours’ notice.

E = MC Party

Albert Einstein is one of the most well-known scientists in history. From his take on relativity to his wild hair, Einstein is one recognizable dude. His fans used to gather in their best Albert Einstein costumes during science week every summer just for something fun to do. In 2018, over 500 students from five different universities in the South Morang, Australia, area came together to create the world record for the largest gathering of people dressed as Albert Einstein.

Who Doesn’t Love a Big Mac?

You might think you love McDonald’s flagship burger, the Big Mac, but your affection for this meal pales in comparison to Don Gorske’s insatiable hunger. Gorske holds a world record for most Big Macs consumed over a lifetime. Gorske is known for eating two Big Macs every day. In fact, there have only been eight days in the last 40 years where he didn’t accomplish this task. He goes so far as to buy these burgers in bulk and freezing them, so they’re always on hand.

There Were Feathers Everywhere

Sometimes people set out to break worlds records as just a way to have fun. That was certainly the case when organizers set out to break the record for the largest pillow fight. At the time, the record was 6,261 people who battled it out at a St. Paul Saints game in 2015.  Then comes May 18th, 2018: over70,000 pillows showed up with their owners for the ultimate battle royal.

You’re The One

Children all over the world enjoy playing with their rubber duckies in the tub. Charlotte Lee, however, takes this enjoyment to an entirely different level. Lee is known for having the largest rubber duck collection in the world. When she set this world’s record, she had 5,631 rubber ducks taking up space in a dedicated basement area. Ernie would be proud.

The Man With The Most

It’s one thing to set a worlds record. It’s another to set multiple records. Ashrita Furman has set over 700 records in his lifetime. 200 of those records are still standing. He even has the record for having the most records at one time. It doesn’t get more meta than that. Furman has set records for doing the most continuous jumping jacks (27,000), longest nonstop somersaulting (12 miles, 390 yards), carrying a brick the longest distance (85 miles), and more.

It seems that more records are being set and broken every year. Some are highly athletic, while others require skills you didn’t even know existed. Regardless of where these crazy worlds records are today, there’s always room for more.

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