
Keeping Your Car Clean When You Have a Pet

Keeping Your Car Clean When You Have a Pet

Pets: You Love Them, but You Love Your Car Too

Pets are awesome. They bring joy and laughter into your life and lots of fur. Shedding is something most dog and cat owners battle on a daily basis. It feels like you’re constantly trying to keep your home free of fur, but what about your car? Of course, you’ll want to take your fluffy pal with you on quick trips to the drive-thru, the vet and even long road trips, but how do you handle the inevitable shedding?

Seat Covers

Seat covers are one way to keep pet hair at bay. You can buy soft covers to go over the front seats, which will make driving a little more comfortable for you and your front passenger. You can also buy a waterproof (for those accidents when you have a puppy or kitten) fabric mat that attaches to the backseat and front seat headrests. This mat is usually easy to remove for when you need to use the back seats for your friends or family, and it keeps the seats clean and free from pet hair. It’s an easy, affordable solution that will come in handy if you or someone riding in your car has pet allergies, or if you just want to keep your car as clean as possible.

Lint Rollers/Hand Vacuums

Classic tools like lint rollers and small hand vacuums are easy to store in your car and are great for those quick cleanups. You can keep a lint roller in your glove compartment or in the center console, giving you quick access when you need to brush down the seats, but don’t have time to do a full vacuum. A hand vacuum is great and can be kept in your trunk and out of the way. These small vacuums are the perfect size for cleaning up crumbs and stubborn pet hair that gets stuck all over your cloth seats. They usually come in cord and cordless versions, depending on your preference.

Car-Only Pet Bed

If your pet rarely rides in the car and tends to keep to themselves in their own spaces, you can buy a cheap pet bed that is for car-use only, so that they’re contained to only their bed when they’re in the car. That way, their bed collects all their fur and then when it’s time you can throw the bed in the washing machine.

You Can Have It All

Your car doesn’t have to become a pet hair haven. With these simple products and tools to keep your companion’s pet hair at bay, you and your passengers can ride in comfort without worrying about allergies flaring up or your car smelling like your dog or cat.

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