
Keep it Moving

Keep it Moving

Cell phones are officially a part of our lives, and a permanent one, at least until the next form of technology comes along. Whether we like it or not, mobile phones are here to stay. Of course we need them for emergency purposes and they’re uber convenient, but we’d be lying if we didn’t talk about the fact that cell phones seem to have taken over our lives. People can barely use the restroom without their phone, much less leave the house without it. To work, to the gym, to the grocery store, and to the beach, our phones log a lot of miles.

It’s not just our phones logging miles, these days. People are getting a lot more active, whether it’s a simple step tracking regimen or a complex regimen to prepare for a marathon. Recently, even a phone app had people hauling themselves off the couch in an effort to catch imaginary creatures. No matter whether you like the increased phone usage in our lives, it can’t be argued that they’ve become a helpful tool in our newfound fitness regimens. For this reason, we can consider it a good thing that our phones are something we can’t leave home without.

As we’ve allowed smartphones into our lives, we’ve learned which apps offer the best features for our needs. We use them for online banking, shopping, and especially our fitness regimens. There is something in the app store for everyone, you just have to know what you’re looking for, in order to find what’s right for your needs. First, determine your goals, and then go searching for your perfect app.

Here are some of the most popular, based on customer reviews.

1. Map My Fitness –Whether you walk, run, cycle, or even dance your way down the streets, the Map My Fitness apps are perfect. First, they sync up to calorie tracking programs like My Fitness Pal, and they will also allow you to access a playlist for the soundtrack to your fitness pursuits. These apps will highlight the route you’ve walked, run, or biked, as well as tell you the distance traveled and the calories burned. The base models of the app are absolutely free, but some features will cost $5.99 per month.

2. Fitbit –It’s a common misconception that you need to have an activity tracker on your wrist to use the Fitbit app. You don’t. Your phone can work the same way that the wrist model does by tracking your steps, counting calories, and keeping track of your weight. Of course, it’s way more responsive if you have the wearable tracker, but you can use the app without it, and it’s free.

3. Runtastic PRO –This one is $4.99, but it’s available on pretty much every device you could imagine. If you’re hesitant about paying for an app, this is just a one-time fee of less than five dollars, and the free version will bother you about upgrading, repeatedly, so you might as well. Plus, there are a lot of facets of the app that aren’t available without upgrading and many of them can be considered beneficial to the app’s functioning.

4. My Fitness Pal –In a day and age where we’re paying more attention to what we put in our mouths, this app is awesome. It allows users to keep a complete log of everything they eat during the day, and it also tells you how many calories you should be consuming as part of a healthy diet. You set your goal, log what you eat, and keep track of your subtracted calories from your daily activities. There’s a pro version, but most of the work can be done on the free app.

5. Charity Miles –This one is just plain cool. It’s not hugely popular, but it gets great reviews. Each and every time your feet hit the street you turn on the app, and corporate sponsors donate a small amount per mile that you finish. Your daily three-mile walk could mean a small contribution to charity, and if enough people start using the app, it could turn into a really sizable donation.

If we have to deal with the entire world being on their phones at all time, at least they’re doing some good by helping us get into better shape.

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