
Best Dog Breeds for Apartment Living

Best Dog Breeds for Apartment Living

Human’s Best Friend

Living in an apartment whether it’s a studio or larger, can be great, but lonely at times. That’s where it’s a great idea to bring home a furry friend that will keep you company and give you something to take care of and love. While some apartment complexes do have breed and weight restrictions, which are important to be aware of before you bring a new dog home, there are some breeds that will be happier living in an apartment than others.

Low Maintenance Breeds

Depending on your work schedule, you may want a breed that is more low maintenance and okay with being home alone for long hours at a time. Bulldogs, Dachshunds, and Greyhounds are great breeds to consider if you can’t be with them all day. They’re more chill dogs that are happily exercised on a walk in the morning and at night. Bulldogs are couch-potatoes who don’t require a lot of exercises and will be more than happy to cuddle with you on the couch.

Dachshunds are cute, stubby dogs who don’t need a ton of room to exercise, since they have to use a lot of energy to run, so they’d be great for someone who lives in a small apartment like a studio.

Greyhounds are often referred to as speedy couch-potatoes because even though they’re fast runners, they enjoy exercise in small increments and after they run around for five or ten minutes, they’re more than content to chill with you and watch TV.

Small-Medium Sized Breeds

Smaller breeds can be easier to live with because of their size, but some small and medium breeds require more exercise and attention than others. Chihuahuas, Beagles, and Cavalier King Charles Spaniel are some good small breeds that will enjoy apartment living.

Chihuahuas are nice apartment dogs because of their small stature. They’re a bit more energetic though and require a little more exercise. One thing to note, they can be barkers, so it’s important to train them not to bark at everything that moves outside. Though they are feisty little pups, they’re affectionate and ready to play.

Beagles are another breed a little similar to Chihuahuas in the sense that they have a very distinctive bark and may require a little more training in that department. Beagles are small-medium sized dogs that are super affectionate and would be great apartment companions.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is another small-medium breed that enjoys a good couch cuddle and short walks outside. They’re also a little tougher of a breed, so they’re not as fragile in size as a Chihuahua.

Apartments & Dogs Are Possible

It’s very possible to live in a small apartment and still have a dog. Check out your local shelters for breeds you’re interested and be patient. You shouldn’t be limited to a furry friend just because you don’t have a big backyard for them to run in. If you give a dog plenty of love and attention, they’ll love you right back.

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