
Characteristics of Successful People

Characteristics of Successful People
Have you ever questioned why some people in your workplace seem to attain everything they want? How about that guy who keeps getting promoted? If you’re sitting back and watching this all happen, then chances are you’re lacking some of the characteristics that are imperative for people who want to get ahead in life; whether it be their personal life or their professional life. It isn’t fair to say that everyone who possesses at least a handful of these personality traits is going to succeed on simply luck alone. However, a combination of these characteristics can create quite a successful mix that usually leads to having some dream come true. How many do you have?

The Top Five

1.Drive–Successful people are driven. They work hard for what they want. They’re willing to stay later, come in earlier, and generally work circles around their co-workers. If you’re in an office setting with someone who is always volunteering to help with special projects or always completes their own work before the deadline, watch out, especially if you’re not one of them. Don’t be surprised if that guy is your boss in a couple of years.
2.Personality–A limp dishrag of a human being isn’t going to get promotions. The higher-ups want to see a smile and the willingness to perform exuding from your pores. That’s why the people that hold the doors, take on extra work, and never allow the smile to leave their face go further. These people will also be a big hit at any intra-office party or event, without going over the top, because they know their personal needs to shine just as much as their work in order to get the job done and get it done correctly.
3.Honesty–The person who is telling half-truths to the bosses probably won’t be likely to get a promotion or a big raise.They’re also likely to be caught and not have a job in a couple of months. A successful person is going to have integrity; they’re going to have to be the ones to step up and admit when something didn’t work or a deadline wasn’t met. They’ll tell the truth, even if it hurts them in the short run because they realize that in the long run, their honesty will be a sign of good character.
4.Perseverance–A successful person realizes that success doesn’t come all at once. The path to success is long and arduous and should be run as a marathon and not a sprint. They’re going to take their time and slowly overcome the obstacles that are put in their path. They’re not going to allow their personal lives or co-worker squabbles to impact their journey to success. These people are going to do everything they can to make sure that they get where they want to go.
5.Confidence–They’re not trying to show off or talk about themselves too much, but these people exude the confidence of everywhere they go. They know what they are capable of and are willing to let everyone around them know as well. It’s easily mistaken for bravado, but that isn’t the case. They’re not cocky; just sure of themselves.
If you want to know how people get ahead, ask them. Nine times out of ten, successful people are more than willing to share their secrets with the right people. If you possess at least one of these qualities, you can build upon that and try to develop some others that may just be latent. However, if you’re unwilling to work on yourself, that brass ring may always be just out of your reach.

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