
The Top Self Help Books

The Top Self Help Books

We all need a little help to get through life sometimes. With everything life has to throw at us these days, more people suffer from depression and other emotional problems every day. From professional problems to relationship issues, most people have a hard time getting through their days worry free. While we all have our means of catharsis whether it’s a glass of wine with dinner, a journal, or a long hot bath. However, a lot of people turn to professional opinions to guide them on how to handle certain situations.
Of course, some of these books are better than others and many of the books on this list have been critically acclaimed for providing guidance in their chosen field. For someone having a hard time handling a specific situation, it’s not always possible to seek the advice of a trusted friend, so they turn to self help books. Here are some of the best on the market.

Help Yourself to One of These

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – This book is essential for anyone trying to become a better person, whether personally or professionally. It lists the habits and provides guidance for how to implement them practically. Want to get ahead in your career? This book is a must-read!
The Power of Positive Thinking – This one is for all of the negative people in the world that always want to focus on the worst. All too often we become bogged down by hundreds of possible scenarios that could take place to make something go wrong. The book emphasizes how important it is to think positively and try to overcome the negative voice inside.
Codependent No More – This book and the accompanying workbook are a great tool for those adults who just can’t seem to make a relationship work. Even if you don’t think you’re a codependent person, give this book a read. It provides a lot of valuable insight on why certain relationships don’t work and how to better function as a human in regards to your relationships. It teaches the reader to start thinking about helping themselves instead of bending over backwards for others.
Think Like a Man, Act Like a Lady – This book, written by funny man Steve Harvey, should be the relationship bible for the terminally single. He’s speaking to the ladies that chase their men, think too much (or not enough), and are a little too giving. He gives solid advice and answers the age old question of what men are thinking.
Outliers – If you are one those of people who constantly chase success and make a habit of comparing yourself to other successful people in the world, Outliers is the book for you. Malcolm Gladwell uses his best-selling work of non-fiction to examine what makes people successful.
The Last Lecture – Written by a now-deceased professor at Carnegie Mellon University, this book was his farewell. He writes about how he chose to live and gives some of the best advice from a man who had dedicated his life to the pursuit of education. This book is a must have for all students about to entire college or the graduates about to enter the workforce.
Toxic Parents – For all of the people in the world who had a rough childhood or who were born of people unable to escape their own mistakes, this book is a necessity. It teaches the children of these people how to overcome their childhood and the mistakes their parents have made.

It’s not wrong to admit that you need a little bit of help every now and then. If you’re not the type to seek medical advice then maybe one of these books could be a big help. Don’t just sweep it away and pretend it doesn’t exist. Help heal yourself.

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