
The Cruz immigration plan, examined

Ted Cruz Immigration Plan

Ever since Donald Trump entered the Presidential nomination scene by focusing initially on the border, strange things started happening in the Republican party and to Americans in general. First, the topic, once thought to be “taboo” by the GOP Establishment, grew longer legs than expected. Second, the general consensus that once supported a border wall quickly dropped to under 35%. Both can be blamed on the media; their Trump overexposure helped to push him to the forefront while their disgust with the idea of securing the borders swayed many to stop supporting a wall.

Since then, Trump has been the focus of nearly everything associated with illegal immigration. This is ironic for those of us who follow politics regularly and not just when Trump is on television because Ted Cruz has always been a very strong proponent of border security. While Trump was still supporting Bill de Blasio and meeting with DREAMers, Cruz was already calling for a border wall.

Let’s take a look at the components of his immigration plan, one that we believe is superior in both form and realistic execution than Trump’s. We’ll take it point by point:

Secure the Border

Restore the Rule of Law

Reform Legal Immigration and Protect Americans

Ted Cruz has the most potent and intelligent plan to bring an end to the problem of illegal immigration. While Trump spews rhetoric, Cruz has established a roadmap to fix one of the most impactful problems facing Americans today. We’re all affected in one way or another by illegal immigration. Cruz has the right plan to fix it.

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