
Ben Carson’s last stand failed. Time to bow out with dignity.

Ben Carson Drop Out

Ben Carson was talking a big game ahead of the SEC Primary, claiming that Donald Trump would be surprised, claiming that he could come out of the matches as a winner, and claiming that he would carry on regardless of the outcome.This was all to be expected from any campaign; you never want to go into a primary displaying doom and gloom, but his sincerity has made it clear that he might be serious.

After barely registering in any of the contests, it’s time to pack it up.

If he doesn’t drop out, then we know one thing with a near certainty: this isn’t a campaign for President. It’s a campaign to build his post-election list of contacts that he can sell or rent for a great deal of money and influence. As someone who likes and respects Carson, I sincerely hope that’s not the case. It’s time to go.

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