
Will New Hampshire bow to the media’s insistence that Rubio is their moderate choice?

New Hampshire Moderates

Fox News loves Marco Rubio. Liberal mainstream media dislikes Rubio less than they dislike Ted Cruz. Democrats are chomping at the bit at an opportunity to go against the failed Senator who is getting ridiculed by his own constituents and media outlets in Florida. Will New Hampshire buy into the propaganda?

Rubio made a great stride for his campaign by taking a good chunk of Donald Trump supporters and over-performing in Iowa. Now, the media talking heads are anointing him as the “moderate lane” frontrunner to counter the Ted Cruz conservative lane and Trump’s populist lane. Their hope is that Rubio can wrap up the vote in New Hampshire where he has fierce competition among moderates John Kasich, Jeb Bush, and even a semi-surging Chris Christie. If Rubio can consolidate those votes, he’ll have a better time in South Carolina where he’s strongest relative to the field when it comes to endorsements and organization.

They need New Hampshire to cave to their will. They want Rubio to place second or even first in the state. They want Bush, Kasich, and Christie to go away. Thankfully, New Hampshire has a history of not following either the Iowa narrative or the pictures painted by the media. They’re free thinkers. This is why Rubio will be lucky to place third in the state.

Kasich, Bush, and Christie have built stronger organizations in New Hampshire than Rubio. They’re also much better aligned with the pragmatic conservatism that’s preached in the area. Rubio didn’t just steal from Trump. He grabbed a good chunk of the Iowa evangelical vote, but New Hampshire is more secular. They’re much more inclined to go for a true moderate rather than Rubio’s conservative/moderate balancing act that he’s been playing since deciding to run for President.

For their part, his main competitors are building up strength in the state.

Rubio’s charm may have enticed a large portion of evangelicals in Iowa, but by doing so he hurt his chances of rising in the pragmatic Live Free or Die state. Will they be manipulated into following the media’s narrative or will they take their support to someone better aligned with their values?

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