
Who in DC is calling out Islamic extremism? Reformist Muslim groups.

Reformist Muslim groups

While most of the big Muslim organizations in the country like the Council for American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) are deflecting and redirecting blame for the terrorist attacks in San Bernardino, at least 15 Muslim reform groups met in Washington DC to discuss their strategy for stopping radicalization and terrorism in America.

The coalition met at the Heritage Foundation for “Muslim Voices Against the Islamic State and Islamist Extremism” to plan strategies for combating the rising influence of ISIS and other radical Islamic terrorist organizations. Their perspectives were clearly different from those of the Obama administration, going so far as to utter the taboo words, “we cannot say that the Islamic State are not Muslims.”

One interesting point that came from the forum was the idea that western media and politicians are trying to adopt one of their names, Daesh, to “remove the connection to Islam.”

By calling the Islamic State by the name of Daesh you reduce the terrorists to nothing more than a gang with weapons but they are much more than that. They govern an area the size of Great Britain as a state with health care, schools, and infrastructure.

Here is the interview on Fox:

Here is the opening to the forum itself – totally worth the hour and half to watch.

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