
Will Democrats (and Mitch McConnell) allow Kate’s Law to pass?

Kate Steinle's Father

When Kate Steinle was murdered by an illegal alien in a sanctuary city, President Obama and the vast majority of Democrats did everything they could to draw attention away from the incident. Now, there is a good chance that they’ll fight against the safety of American citizens by blocking the very law that was put on the table in her name.

Kate’s Law is designed to enforce a five-year minimum sentence on illegal immigrants who have committed aggravated felonies. In essence, it says that if you commit violent crimes and continue to enter the country illegally, you have to go to jail.

The first time it was proposed as part of a comprehensive sanctuary city bill, it was opposed by vehemently by the Democrats and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). It isn’t being opposed because of the content of the bill. It is being opposed because it will cost too much to jail illegal immigrants who are most likely to harm citizens. In case you didn’t catch the irony, the party that seems bent on spending as many tax dollars on frivolous initiatives would prefer to keep dangerous illegal immigrants returning to the country because it costs too much.

Senator Ted Cruz has been the champion of Kate’s Law and has rightfully pointed out that this should be a 100-0 vote in the Senate. This shouldn’t be a partisan issue. It’s one of the most common sense bills ever brought to the floor of the Senate. Violent criminals who are illegal immigrants are being granted more freedoms than an American citizen who fails to pay their taxes on time.

“A vote ‘no’ is to say the next time, the next murderer like Kate Steinle’s murderer comes in, we should not enforce the laws, we shouldn’t have a mandatory five-year prison sentence, instead we should continue sanctuary cities that welcome and embrace them, until perhaps it is our family members that lose their lives,” Cruz said.

There’s another potential roadblock, though it’s looking more and more favorable. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has waffled on whether or not to introduce Kate’s Law as a standalone bill, but it appears that he’ll let it through as early as this week.

When the Democrats and the ACLU say that stopping violent illegal immigrants is bad because it would be too hard on the prison system, what they’re really saying is that they have no valid defense to hide the truth that they want as many immigrants as possible regardless of whether they’re here legally or if they might harm an actual American citizen.

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