
Paul Ryan receives the endorsement he didn’t want from Harry Reid

Harry Reid

Under normal circumstances, an endorsement by a powerful politician is exactly what a Speaker of the House candidate would want. In Paul Ryan’s case, the endorsement he just received from Democractic Senator Harry Reid could be the kiss of death. Chances are, Reid knows this very well.

Ryan is already getting push back from the right wing of the party who view his stances on immigration and other issues as too moderate. He even leans left on some issues, making him the type of replacement for departing Speaker John Boehner that the House Republicans do not need.

Reid, a veteran in the world of political warfare, probably knows that his meddling will have the effect that it’s having. His party, stung from recent defeats and losses of majority in both the House of Representatives and the Senate, is smiling at the idea of GOP turmoil. The more effort the Republicans spend fighting each other, the easier it will be for Reid and the Democrats to cast a bad light on them in the upcoming elections.

Ryan would have had better results getting an endorsement from Vladimir Putin. Conservatives will latch onto the Reid endorsement as proof that Ryan isn’t the type of leader they want.

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