
Before destroying Israel, Iran bolsters air defense

Ayatollah Kamenei talks to troops

The Ayatollah Kamenei and senior members of the Iranian government say they intend to bring about the destruction of Israel at some point in the near future. In the meantime, they’ve increased their air defenses to make sure that Israel doesn’t get the draw on them.

Iranian brigadier general Mohsen Kazzemeini said that the military is preparing their defenses to prevent an Israeli strike while to waits for the time when “it overthrows Israel and liberates Palestine.”

These ominous threats are not unique. Despite the victory they achieved in signing the nuclear deal with the United Nations, the Middle East country has not slowed down its propaganda cycle of hatred towards Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the United States. The Ayatollah has called on the military to be ready for aggression from Israel or the United States at all times.

State run PressTV shows the supreme leader talking to some of his troops about the increased preparedness.

The nuclear deal has not put a damper on Iran’s plans. If anything, it has emboldened them to speak out against the United States and Israel with the apparent support of the United Nations.

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