
Snapback option agreed upon by United Nations Security Council

Iran Nuclear Snapback

Reuters is reporting that the United Nations Security Council has agreed to a “snapback” contingency for sanctions against Iran if they violate terms of a an agreement in the works. This would prevent Russia and China from being able to veto a reinstatement of the sanctions if all criteria are not met by Iran.

So far, Iran has not agreed to the snapback language being added to the terms. Neither Russia or China have acknowledged officially that they are on board with the provision. Meanwhile, Iran has threatened to have a snapback option of their own, meaning that if the Western powers do not meet their end of the bargain, that they would go back to what they’re doing now in building a nuclear program.

Their ongoing efforts, which they claim are for peaceful nuclear energy reasons but that is widely acknowledged as their attempt to build nuclear weapons, would continue in their own version of the snapback option. Their biggest fear is a Republican US President getting elected in 2016 who could initiate US sanctions outside of the jurisdiction of the United nations.

According to Reuters:

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry met with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in Geneva on Saturday. They discussed progress and obstacles to an agreement in the Iran nuclear talks a month before the deadline for a deal aimed at reducing the risk of another war in the Middle East.

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