
Doomsday will be in Dawn of Justice

Doomsday Batman v Superman

The rumors have been flying for a while now but it’s unofficially announced: Doomsday will be a major villain in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. The report comes from El Mayimbe, a reporter who has held an uncanny set of sources that make him right much more often than he’s wrong when it comes to movies.

Doomsday is best known as the villain who killed Superman in the comic books. There has never been a proper depiction of the super villain in movies until now. He joins the other primary villain, Lex Luthor.

According to ABC News:

Doomsday is one of the most powerful creatures in all of DC Comics. He made his first appearance in “The Man of Steel” #17 and #18 in 1992 and is first seen with one arm tied up, while the other breaks through a wall of steel (get the metaphor). In his first cover, it reads, “The beginning of the end! Doomsday!” This creature, with no respect for any kind of life, is an ancient Krypton killing machine that was around well before Kal-El and his family, which is why he is a physical match for Superman.

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