
How election coverage gets organized for the press

How Election Coverage Really Works

We all want to believe that the media is dedicated to presenting the news in ways that are true to life. We don’t want to feel manipulated, misled, or taken for fools, but in many cases that’s exactly what happens.

The problem is that if you don’t cover an event the way that the powers that be want it to be covered, you won’t be invited to cover future events. You won’t get the interviews. You won’t get the leaks or the breaking news. You won’t be invited to the press luncheons and you’ll never make it in this business.

In many ways, the political journalism world is like Hollywood. You must present something to tell one story even if the real story doesn’t match. Take, for instance, this image posted to Reddit earlier this month. David Cameron had set up a photo op with supporters in order to present his platform to the press in a brief photo opportunity. The image above shows a robust crowd. The reality is much less interesting.

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