
Nike+ adds 4 partners to “go platform”


It was an app. That wasn’t good enough. Now, Nike’s popular health and fitness monitor is partnering up with device makers to brings us more exercise joy.

Their goal is to expand beyond being a plugin and actually being a destination device purchase. With Garmin, Wahoo, Tom Tom, and Netpulse now in the mix, Nike hopes to fend off their competitors in this growing segment of wearable technology.

According to Gigaom:

Change has been in the wind for some time, however, as Nike first kept its software limited to Apple iOS devices for several years and recently releasing a Nike+ app for Android. And roughly a year ago there werereports of Nike abandoning its own hardware efforts and laying off much of the Fuelband team. As a long-time runner, I welcome the change from app to platform; it’s long overdue.

Read more on Gigaom.

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