
Were Imhotep and Joseph the Same Person?

Joseph from Genesis

The Book of Genesis does not mention Pharaoh Djoser or his vizier, Imhotep. Egyptian historical records do not mention Joseph or his Pharaoh. Could the two sets of stories, too similar to be coincidence, be describing the same peope doing the same things under different historical names?

Here are the unquestioned similarities:

The biggest reason that most historians, Bible scholars, and Egyptologists dismiss the concept is that the timelines do not seem to match up. However, the inaccuracies of the various timelines can be seen by just how different they are from one another. One accepted timeline can be over 1000 years off from a different accepted timeline. It’s very narrow minded to assume that we have pieced together an accurate timeline based upon the very limited and speculative data we have available to us today.

In an in-depth article about Imhotep and Joseph, the concept is explored from an unbiased perspective and narrows down the possibilies from dozens of theories down to two distinct possibilities by answering one question:

There is more prophecy about Egypt than any other land other than Israel. Most of it has already been fulfilled. Some still waits as it pertains to Egypt and the end times. If these great accomplishments could be attributed to Joseph, why would the Bible not include them?

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