
Samsung’s virtual reality headset is launching next month

Samsung’s virtual reality headset is launching next month

At the Samsung Developer Conference that was held in San Francisco earlier today, Samsung introduced the Gear VR Innovator Edition, which is essentially a developer edition of the South Korean company’s virtual reality headset for public consumption. The Oculus-powered headset is launching as a United States exclusive in early December, according to CNET.

The Gear VR was originally announced back in September, but there hasn’t been very much information released since then. While the release date is still unclear, developers that want to begin building apps for the headset and exploring virtual reality-related scenarios can do so with the Oculus Mobile SDK for Gear VR.

Samsung described the device as offering an “immersive entertainment experience,” but also touted the Gear VR’s potential “innovative uses for enterprise.” Examples of the things that the device could potentially be used for include realistic training simulation for vehicles or aircrafts, 360-degree views of health scans, and interactive learning experiences for the classroom.

Speaking of 360-degree views, Samsung also announced Project Beyond, a new 360 camera that the company has developed with the intention of giving its virtual reality headset a kind of live streaming experience, according to GigaOm. The device is equipped with 16 cameras that can capture 3D videos.

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