
Numerous protesters arrested by Ferguson police officers

Numerous protestors arrested by Ferguson police officers

Police officers in Ferguson, Missouri made several arrests this morning, according to local officials, following yet another night of protests over the police shooting of a black teenager back in August. A freelance journalist who has worked for CNN was among those arrested.

Protests have been staged in the predominantly black suburb of St. Louis ever since a black teenager, 18-year-old Michael Brown, was killed by a white police officer, Darren Wilson. A Ferguson Police Department official said that numerous people were arrested outside of the police station this morning, but didn’t say exactly how many arrests were made.

According to The Washington Post, at least six people were detained after a small group of protestors began chanting loudly despite a late night noise ordinance. Demonstrations over Mr. Brown’s killing have included vandalism and looting, and have been met with riot gear, tear gas, rubber bullets, and military equipment from local police.

Read more about the story at The Washington Post.

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