
Gay Azerbaijani couple forced to flee after their engagement makes the new

Gay Azerbaijani couple forced to flee after their engagement makes the new

A gay couple in Azerbaijan has been forced to go into hiding after local news outlets reported that the couple had gotten engaged. Javid Nabiyev and his partner got engaged in a small ceremony in Sumqayit after having been together for around a year. After several news outlets saw pictures of the couple’s ceremony, the couple received hate-mail and death threats.

Mr. Nabiyev, a 25-year-old who heads up the Azerbaijani gay rights group Nafas Azerbaijan LGBT, told the Guardian: “Some people said ‘you should die, I’ll kick you in the street, I’ll kill you.’”

The couple claimed to have been forced to leave their home after people gathered outside of their house and began spewing homophobic abuse. Mr. Nabiyev says that he’s safe at a friend’s house but that his 19-year-old partner has been taken to his parents’ house.

Mr. Nabiyev claims that his fiancé may be sent to the army, rather than to a university, after his father heard the news. His mother also attempted to set him on fire with gasoline last month but was unsuccessful. His identity has remained anonymous for his own security.

Despite the couple’s attempts to lobby politicians and gain protection from the police, the pair remain unprotected and live their lives in fear. Although same-sex activity was made legal in the country over a decade ago, there are no discrimination protections, and same-sex marriage is still not recognized there.

Read more about the story at The Guardian.

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