
There’s a good chance that Ben Carson could run for President in 2016

There’s a good chance that Ben Carson could run for President in 2016

Doctor Ben Carson, the famous author and retired neurosurgeon, has announced that there is a good chance that he will run for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016.

Doctor Carson made his announcement while talking with radio host Hugh Hewitt last night, saying that there’s a good chance that he will a presidential candidate for the GOP nomination, and that he will make a decision on whether or not to run by no later than next May.

“I think the chances are reasonably good of that happening. I’m waiting obviously for a few more months. I want to make sure that it is clearly something my fellow Americans want me to do and I’m also waiting to see what the results are in November,” Doctor Carson told conservative talk radio host Hugh Hewitt on his program Monday.

“If the people do indicate that they truly do want a nation that is for, of, and by the people then I along with what I hope will be many other people will be willing to give it everything we possibly have,” Doctor Carson added.

Read more about the story at TIME.

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