
Four Videos Explaining Bitcoin


Some say that Bitcoin is the start of the eventual global economy. This worries many; prophecy talks about a world economy as an important component of the end times. With a unified currency, the bad powers of the end times will have control over the vast majority of the people and governments of the world.

It’s important to have an understanding of what Bitcoin really is and what it can do. In an ideal world, they make perfect sense. Having a currency that can be documented, tracked, and controlled would be a great situation if those in power were honorable. Unfortunately, thinking that those in power would handle the economy responsibly is unrealistic. The rise of Bitcoin and the death of the current world economy based around the US dollar can only lead to eventual destruction.

Here are four videos describing what Bitcoin is and how it is rising in prominence. We do not endorse Bitcoin. In fact, we’re against the concept altogether. However, it’s important to know what they’re all about so you can be prepared when this or some other variation rises to become the primary component of the world economy.

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