
Headline Goes Viral. Will the Charity Go Viral as Well?

The Good and Bad of this article

The funny part was noticed by a Redditor who titled the screen capture, “Not Cool. Someone should tell him he’s not in NYC.” It drew a ton of laughs and nearly a million views, but there is another side to this story.

First, the article itself from MindBodyGreen tells a great story about Miles Hilton-Barber. Here’s what they had to say:

Although a hereditary condition deprived Barber of sight at the age of 21, he was determined not to let anything stop him from living life to the fullest. Today, Barber is known as the “blind adventurer,” because he has sledded 250 miles across Antarctica, run 150 miles across the Sahara Desert, completed the 11-day ultra-marathon across China from the Gobi Desert to the Great Wall, and piloted 21,000 km from London to Sydney. And that’s just the shortlist: Barber’s adventures also include skydiving, swimming with sharks and white water rafting. And now the New York City Marathon.

Read More: MindBodyGreen

The other, more important note is the charity that he supports. Hopefully some of the million people who got a chuckle from the image took the time to check out Seeing is Believing, a charity dedicated to helping to eliminate avoidable blindness. Will Redditors and Imgurians step up?

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